"He stirs the stuff regularly. After cooking the grass like this for a while (say, half an hour), his kitchen really smells incriminating."
Alternate title: SCOTUS says “Fuck Women” Roe v. Wade, one could argue was one of the cornerstones of women’s rights. Gone. Poof. RIP. Crazy enough, at the height of the COVID vaccine controversy, I half heartedly joked that the vaccination fights would kill off all respect for “My body, my…
One of the bennies of serving in Okinawa is easy access to Taco Rice and Cheese. Its the go to protein and carb load after a hard night of drinking as one walks their drunk ass back to base a couple hours before morning PT. Its a simple recipe. Rice.…
I took a brisk walk around the Capitol this morning before the inauguration. While bitterly cold, it warmed my soul to not see National Guard troops patrolling it.
In these bizarre times, we automagically go from lock down to moderate risk, yet the COVID infection rates continue to climb. Taking a risk, supporting local economy, we went to steak night at one of our favorites. Great talking to old friends we haven’t seen in months. Great to just…
We have been voting by mail for years if we want to. We can vote in-person if you want. Yet according some media reports, this causes the end of the world. Well, at least the end of the US (because, you know, the world revolves around us </sarcasm>). In actuality,…
This is a picture of my first air travel for the year. Terminal A, Denver International. Empty. The flight had 51 passengers on a plane that normally carries 120. Odd days indeed. Stay safe everyone.
This cross post brought to you by the letter A for ads, B for beer, C for the color orange … I never look at the grocery store ads that come in the mail. Starting my third month of quarantine, I’m starting to read everything … for variety, and that…
I decided I needed another excursion to get out of the house for a bit. Decided Costco was the destination. It was not a long line to get in. We only waited 10-15 minutes before entry. A couple observations. No one is making eye contact. There isn’t any random browsing,…
I see this creepy shit all the time. Inclement weather, backup camera shows the oddities, I reverse with enthusiasm regardless. Then my wife announces the correlation with 2020 the year and 2020 the hindsight. What is yours? What do see in the past with new clarity?