Its the end of 2023 and the clown show is far from over.
US politics eerily resembles the Capitol of Panem (Hunger Games). Except instead of strong leaders, we have a Biden and legion of useful idiots rallying the hate Trump hyperbole.
Speaking of Trump. The easiest way to identify as the most boring person in the room is to declare ones hatred of him. Its like there is a contest of Trump haters that started in 2016 and has never let up.

The wealthy and powerful hate Trump because he cannot be controlled by the cabal. The peasant class abhors him because he says the quiet thoughts out loud.
Maybe Kennedy can pull a better version of Perot and knock the R’s and D’s off to the sidelines?
Meh. Doubt it. I’ll call it early, I think the Pedo gets re-elected because he isn’t Trump.

Academia has lost its mind. At best, Its a healthy mix of Panem and Idiocracy; they are so lost, they have no idea how to relate to this paragraph.

Then there are the wars, in all of 1984 glory, no one really knows what the hell is going on. Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine … all news obfuscated in class A bullshit.

Oh, and lets not forget our Brave New World, where big pharma comes in to save the day. Take your drugs, take more drugs, the more you take the more the main stream media makes sense. No wonder there is an Adderall shortage.
Or not. Fucking unplug and ask the pertinent questions.
- What the fuck does {insert whatever here} have to do with me?
- What the fuck can I do about it? If nothing, erase from memory. Live your best life.
Selfishly, I wish everyone reading this mind dump nothing but the best for 2024!