Category: utah

Day 61/365

For one who enjoys the taste and variety of bourbon and who lives in a state where selection is hard to come by, The Bourbon House (8 years running), was a complete surprise to me.

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Day 6/365

Woke to the white fluttering down. Enough so I broke out the snowblower. It still took two runs and several hours. As inspired as I was to go exploring, lazily I took a couple white balance shots of the snow covered yard, then settled on my ’66 VW Type I. Its OK, Gretchen is hardy…

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Rock start weekend

Silence the Critic opening for Crobot. Surfaced from the immersion of great original music long enough shoot a couple videos. Enjoy. Silence the Critic: Find more Silence the Critic here: Facebook, REVERBNATION Enjoy the high energy of Crobot Band: Find Crobot Band here: Facebook, Crobot Band website, REVERBNATION

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