• Daily - ogden

    Day 17 365

    Enjoying the simple pleasures in life. Funny how dining out is now a treat vs. a staple of life. Thanks to COVID and various local reactions/restrictions, I fear many of our favorites (Rooter’s here) will not survive another year of soft closure/lockdown. 2021 damn sure needs to be better. What…

  • Daily - Earth Porn - life

    Day 15 365

    I like to hang out here, especially in the winter. Its too damn cold for a crowd other than the fowl. Come warmer days, I’ll be walking the pond and fighting off the ankle biting geese.

  • Daily - food

    Day 14 365

    January and February always bring about introspection, mourning, and asking myself what am I going to do different this year. Today I eat nuts. Keep the mouth busy while the feeding the brain.

  • Daily

    Day 13 365

    First, acknowleding I missed posting yesterday. Life happens. I got caught up. Totally forgot. Second, the feels are raw tonight. A lifetime ago I served in a Marine Corps combat unit. We did shit. We took names. We came home alive. Years later, one of my brothers life came to…

  • Daily - winter - Work

    Day 11 365

    Pandemic or no, I’ve been going to the office more regularly. There is a certain dynamic that is lost on the “essential” work from home regime. While I may be a lot more productive in the home office, the lack of separation of work vs. home is starting to grate…

  • Daily

    Day 10 365

    Celebrating seventy seven rotations around the sun, these forks soon had their turn. Brats, Spätzle, schnitzel and rotkohl and desserts in plentiful abundance. Murder mystery next; who done it, where and with what? What a fun night.

  • Daily - Earth Porn - utah - winter

    Day 9 365

    We are tracking #firsttime moments in 2021. This is the view of the Wasatch Range looking from the east side of the mountain range from Eden, Utah. Back to #firsttime. In my entire adult life, I cannot recall ever going cross country skiing. When the invite came, not gonna lie,…