• Daily - life - nature

    Day 8 365

    I love going into the office early before anyone else arrives. Starting the day watching the sun emerge from behind the mountains, the ducks and geese huddling in the middle of the pond and me enjoying my morning coffee. I hate the cold in general, but somehow enjoy and appreciate…

  • Current Events - Daily

    Day 7 365

    323 days ago was the last time we attended a live music performance at the high school. I remember a time where I used to think it was a chore to make time for these. Between work and commute and work and life, taking an hour and a half out…

  • beer - Daily - wine

    Day 6 365

    A.K.A., when worlds collide. Or blend, or traverse, or … When I was a ye poor lad, PBR was an inexpensive goto for bar and dance club libations. Then came the hipsters, thusting the price of some of the cheapest and non-tastiest beers into the premium cost range. Da Fuq?!…

  • Daily - food

    Day 5 365

    Simple is nice. Macadamia nut encrusted Halibut with creamed butter nut squash. The dollop of sour cream was not necessary. It detracted somewhat from the earthy fullness of the squash. Bon Appetite!

  • Daily - food - Holidays

    Day 3 365

    The last of the junk food before returning back to work after the holidays. Have to say, I am not going to miss this one. Whatever allure it had over me years past, is well, passed. Onward and upward.

  • Current Events - Daily - life

    Day 2 365

    Moonshine is one of those drinks that is either Kool-Aid in nature, or something that can transcend interdemensional time and space. When done well, its both. The first time I drank this wonderful poison, I was in my late teens. I remember the burn from the sips. The uncomfortable warmth…

  • beer - Current Events

    Day 1 365

    Its been a hot minute since I last posted. Its been one hell of a year, to put it politely. 2020, to me, was the epitome of Mt. Stupid sleeping with the Valley of Despair and thinking it was a good hookup. See Dunning-Kruger for context. Here’s to a better…

  • Daily - food

    Day 249 366

    Cafe Bustelo (a super dark Cuban-esque espresso grind) with whole cream and whiskey. We call it vacation coffee. The carafe was inspired by one shown on Umbrella Academy. My better half found this one on Etsy or Ebay or something. Delightful way to spend the morning on the front porch.