Tag: food

Day 155 366

Apparently this week is food photos. I know, I know. So inspriational and motivating. Pat me on the back later. </sarcasm> Frankly, my motivation to be interested is at an all time low. I turn on the TV and immediately regret that decision. I switch to reading the news … nope and noper. I am…

Read more Day 155 366

Day 154 366

Beef Pasta. The OG Hamburger Helper flavor. I remember feeling accomplished the first time I combined home browned hamburger with this concoction of spices and pasta. Gone were the days of delivery pizza I mused at the time. Ha! Tonight I revisited this concoction, using it as a vestibule to share family history and stories…

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Day 153 366

11 days ago was my latest post. It was a picture from a local restaurant’s out side waiting area. A bench. It was closed. We had to wait in our car to receive a text when they were ready for us. Today, after a brief haitus, another local restaurant picture. This one from The Angry…

Read more Day 153 366