Category: food

Day 163 366

In these bizarre times, we automagically go from lock down to moderate risk, yet the COVID infection rates continue to climb. Taking a risk, supporting local economy, we went to steak night at one of our favorites. Great talking to old friends we haven’t seen in months. Great to just get out and about. Best,…

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Day 155 366

Apparently this week is food photos. I know, I know. So inspriational and motivating. Pat me on the back later. </sarcasm> Frankly, my motivation to be interested is at an all time low. I turn on the TV and immediately regret that decision. I switch to reading the news … nope and noper. I am…

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Day 154 366

Beef Pasta. The OG Hamburger Helper flavor. I remember feeling accomplished the first time I combined home browned hamburger with this concoction of spices and pasta. Gone were the days of delivery pizza I mused at the time. Ha! Tonight I revisited this concoction, using it as a vestibule to share family history and stories…

Read more Day 154 366