• beer - Current Events - history - News

    Two Steps Backwards

    Alternate title: SCOTUS says “Fuck Women” Roe v. Wade, one could argue was one of the cornerstones of women’s rights. Gone. Poof. RIP. Crazy enough, at the height of the COVID vaccine controversy, I half heartedly joked that the vaccination fights would kill off all respect for “My body, my…

  • beer - Daily - wine

    Day 6 365

    A.K.A., when worlds collide. Or blend, or traverse, or … When I was a ye poor lad, PBR was an inexpensive goto for bar and dance club libations. Then came the hipsters, thusting the price of some of the cheapest and non-tastiest beers into the premium cost range. Da Fuq?!…

  • beer - Current Events

    Day 1 365

    Its been a hot minute since I last posted. Its been one hell of a year, to put it politely. 2020, to me, was the epitome of Mt. Stupid sleeping with the Valley of Despair and thinking it was a good hookup. See Dunning-Kruger for context. Here’s to a better…

  • beer - business - Daily - Shop local

    Day 248 366

    Actually, finally visited a bar in Salt Lake City now that they finally went into YELLOW. Whatever that means. Anywho, ended up at The Green Pig tonight. People I’ve never met, but all sharing a common bond of sensibilities. A bar tender (and author), a business owner, a sales person,…

  • beer - Current Events - Daily - music - Photography

    Day 89 366

    Happy quarantine Sunday. Today’s picture is the beer I am enjoying after spending most of the day cleaning a gasoline spill out of my truck. New today, in addition to the picture of the day, I am going to include a link to some music that hit the sweet spot.…