Video by David Lynch! After working into the wee hours, this just compliments this mornings nightcap perfectly. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RN6pT3zL44?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1]
http://www.athenstalks.com/idiocracy-and-einstein This has been a busy week, work wise and news wise. My attention to the news anymore is sporadic. It is a mental health issue. I am convinced paying daily attention to the news is a leading contributor the dumbification of our society (Note: Made up word intentionally used)…
While looking for an address this morning, Google maps appeared to show me where a discarded rubber, a condom, a prophylactic if you prefer can be found.
I am always impressed at how many (read: few) people in leadership exercise critical thinking when it comes politics, business ethics, and social positions. In that spirit, the 12 minutes 8 seconds of this video is especially punctuated and thought provoking at how Deputy Clare Daly speaks her mind towards…
Nom nom nom.