• National Security - News - Opinion

    Bad When Nixon did it, Good Now?

    In the futile, yet immortal, words of Nancy Reagan, just say no.  You say, “I’m not important.” My response, “Then why do they collect? “ You say, “I’m not interesting?” My response, “Thinks you.”  You say, “I’m not a threat.”  My response, “Define threat.”  You say, “This isn’t true.”  My response,…

  • Current Events - News - Opinion - Politics

    Week in Review: June 28, 2013

    http://www.athenstalks.com/idiocracy-and-einstein This has been a busy week, work wise and news wise.  My attention to the news anymore is sporadic.  It is a mental health issue. I am convinced paying daily attention to the news is a leading contributor the dumbification of our society (Note: Made up word intentionally used)…

  • National Security - Politics

    NSA + Obama (Bush) + Apologists = Privacy Rape

    62% of Americans do not mind rape of their privacy.  http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-06-11/news/39899528_1_pew-research-centre-terrorist-attacks-cent-americans One of the smartest IT security professionals on the planet, Bruce Schneirer, writes what I’ve thought since day 1 of this infosec breach.  Snowden will ultimately get the Julian Assange/Bradley Manning treatment.  Not so much because of the laws…

  • Politics

    Edward Snowden. Patriot or Traitor?

    Catching up on this NSA/PRISM news I watched this interview of the source of the leaks.  Contrary to most whistle-blowers who attempt to stay anonymous, Edward outed himself.  Say what you will about Edward and his actions.  Regardless of where you sit on this issue, coward isn’t an adjective I’d…