Here’s a sneak peek (emphasis on “sneak”) at the cover of MAD #523!
The issue goes on sale August 27th, so be sure to keep an eye out for
it! It features our spoofs of Homeland and the Williams-Sonoma catalog , The Influence of 50 Shades of Grey on Modern Weddings and 9 Reasons Technology Sucks! Plus Spy vs. Spy , the MAD Strip Club , Planet Tad , The Fundalini Pages , the Fold-In , Sergio Aragonés’ MAD Look at the Theater and so much more! – See more at: http://www.madmagazine.com/blog/2013/08/08/mads-war-on-privacy-cover#sthash.2y88RVTm.dpuf
I have been saying this for years, long before Obama or Bush took office … sometime between Bush Sr and Clinton’s reign.
The United States of America is the most corrupt country on the planet. This isn’t just from recent years activities and events, but a cycle of hate, fear and forced dominion over those who have been weak, an easy target, and held beliefs or interests contrary to ours. The definition of “Ours” meaning a description of anyone who is running, in support of and/or aspiring to be the establishment.
Interestingly enough, the revelations of Edward Snowden shows a stark contrast between Obama the candidate, where he praised whistle blowers vs. Obama the President who has taken the lead in prosecuting, well, call them what you will. Gone are the calls for protection of whistle blowers, replaced by taking the lead, high score if you will, in number of people prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 than all previous presidents combined.
Zealous in their having to be right, the Obama administration’s scorched earth behaviour is down right scary. It wasn’t too long ago, 20 or so years, that I read about similar tactics employed by the likes of Stalin, the Stasi, and countless God-less communist regimes that we as Americans have been opposed to for so many years. Don’t take my word for it, read a couple recent examples:
I know, I know, we have nothing to hide so long as we are not doing anything illegal. Our government is benign with respect to its citizens right?
Aaron Swartz as you put flowers on his grave. His crime, violating a terms of service agreement. More accurately, embarrassing the U.S. Government. So next time you install an application or join a web site/service and blindly click through the Terms of Service and/or End User License Agreement and not follow it fully to the letter, beware. A Federal prosecutor is ready to pounce and destroy you, your livelihood, family, friends and associates all in the name of one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Or locally,
An unarmed, 21 year old, women gunned down by two West Valley police officers ruled unjustified.
So next time you think you’re being watched. There is probably something to that feeling …
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YvAYIJSSZY?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&enablejsapi=1]
In closing, be safe out there and may the odds be forever in your future.