• Current Events - News - Opinion - Politics

    Week in Review: June 28, 2013

    http://www.athenstalks.com/idiocracy-and-einstein This has been a busy week, work wise and news wise.  My attention to the news anymore is sporadic.  It is a mental health issue. I am convinced paying daily attention to the news is a leading contributor the dumbification of our society (Note: Made up word intentionally used)…

  • National Security - Politics

    NSA + Obama (Bush) + Apologists = Privacy Rape

    62% of Americans do not mind rape of their privacy.  http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-06-11/news/39899528_1_pew-research-centre-terrorist-attacks-cent-americans One of the smartest IT security professionals on the planet, Bruce Schneirer, writes what I’ve thought since day 1 of this infosec breach.  Snowden will ultimately get the Julian Assange/Bradley Manning treatment.  Not so much because of the laws…