Category: cars

Day 6/365

Woke to the white fluttering down. Enough so I broke out the snowblower. It still took two runs and several hours. As inspired as I was to go exploring, lazily I took a couple white balance shots of the snow covered yard, then settled on my ’66 VW Type I. Its OK, Gretchen is hardy…

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Day 5/365

German engineering. Old vs. new. Both over-engineered if you’ve ever been inclined to work on vehicles. Thirty-six years separates the two from birth.

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Karmann Ghia murdered tonight

I heard this one half a block away over the nasal tone drone of Adam Carolla and whatever drop Bald Bryan was dubbing during the Alison Rosen news segment. That intersection has some of the nastiest crashes. I think the driver the Ghia is the one on the ground. The Mazda’s air bags did not…

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